Sunday, October 3, 2010


I have had quite the awakening lately. Being pregnant has definately not been a walk in the park for Scott and I, which was a surprise. There have been many ups and downs, lots of "losing my cookies", some scares and checking in to the hospital and some REALLY cranky emotional days. Some days it's been a real challenge to be optimistic. Don't get me wrong, I'm always happy to be having a baby but there are some days that I wish it wasn't so hard. Then I run into people who didn't have a single pregnancy symptom and loved the whole experience and I feel a little resentful. But, in the last month or so, which has been the easiest part of the pregnancy for me, I have discovered something that has helped change my perspective. I had no idea until recently that a handful of my friends are unable to bear children. What an eye -opener. They have talked on their blogs about how they would give anything to be having the experience that I am, including the misery, pain, soreness, crankyness, etc.. Wow! How narrow-minded have I been.. I am so blessed to be having the experience that I am. I have to remember that on days like today when it's a rollarcoaster. Scott and I have been given the opportunity to bear a child and help her become the person she is meant to be and I can't forget that. I have a wonderful loving husband who takes care of me and worries over the little things that could posssibly go wrong with the baby and is there to hold me when I cry about badly worded sales ads, sleepless nights and sappy tv shows. I wish so much for my friends to be in different situations but I am so grateful that they were able to remind me of the wonderful opportunity I am having and help me to have more perspective. So, factoring in everything in our pregnancy that has been a disillusionment and been miserable, I would still choose to be having a baby and am grateful to those who have helped open my eyes and wish I could help them as well!


  1. Thank you Melody. You are so right, and it means the world to those of us who struggle to start our families that you recognize what a blessing it is! And then to share your feelings. I would LOVE to be in your shoes. I wish I could have those aches and pains and morning sickness and feelings of being the size of a whale... someday! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST!!!
    Love you!

  2. I agree Melody. I often had a bad attitude during my pregnancy when I was super sick (I even think giving birth was easier than dealing with the sickness) and again when my colicky baby cried constantly. But when I think about how devastated I would be to not have her in my life, then I am ashamed for all my bad thoughts. It is such a blessing to be able to have children, even when it is hard!

  3. So this has nothing to do with your post (although I really liked it). It has everything to do with the fact that I tried texting/calling you Friday/Saturday because I was in the Provo/Orem area, and found I was calling a stranger! It would not have been so awkward had I not said, "Hey cute mama!" to the person on the other end before realising said mistake. So I need some new contact info on you! Hope you're doing well :)
